Know your ‘y’ (WHY)
Know your ‘y’ (WHY)
Thanks for the question Tim…I hope this helps!
New GOAL OR Habit Creation!
New GOAL OR Habit Creation!
What are your reason(s) for taking on, sticking to OR creating new challenges, goals OR habits?
Write down your Y? Could it be to give more to your Family, Friends, Community? Do you want to increase your Energy?
Would improved Wellness allow you to increase your Revenue Generation? Would increased Health & Well-Being allow you to become a better employee OR business owner etc.
Make your Y personal and specific…go as deep as needed to create the motivation you require!
By understanding our own UNIQUE requirements, what WORKS, what DOESN’T we can either optimise our Health & Well-Being OR OVERCOME any health challenges we are currently facing. Tracking essentials like Quality Water, Nutrition, Supplements, Activity, Spiritual Practices, Intermittent Fasting, Mindfulness, Yoga….etc will allow us to stay both mentally and physically strong and adaptive in such uncertain times.
We all have goals, aspirations, wants and wishes then life gets in the way...and quite often our own HEALTH is often Sacrificed.
We are currently living in the most toxic time in human history, pollution of the Earth, Atmosphere and Oceans are at an all time high, whilst food quality and nutrition density is at an all time low...if that wasn’t bad enough, we are now bombarded with daily EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields).
The difference between surviving OR thriving in this crazy, bonkers world…are the POSITIVE, HEALTHY HABITS we create and then KEEP….these habits/techniques are used by athletes, celebrities and successful people of all, this Power is available to you!
Working in unison with your Habits & Goals, try tracking some key components…The first few weeks might not look great, but then as you build up momentum your mind & body will respond and a new you will emerge!